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Red Chili
For Getting Real Taste
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Buy Speacial Food Oreder Online
Chef Selection
Delicious Egg Salad for Sandwiches
- Lay chicken thighs into the bottom of a 4-quart slow cooker.
- Whisk soy sauce, ketchup, honey, garlic, and basil together in a bowl; pour over the chicken.
- Cook on Low for 6 hours.
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What People Say About Us
John Doe
CEO, Forest Brand
This was very well received at my house. I followed the recipe exactly, and it was excellent. I wouldn't change anything, but I was thinking that another way you could do
John Mark
Direct, Ocean Group
I left out the stuffing mix completely. I mixed breading and the Italian seasoning and breaded the chicken cubes. Baked that for 30 minutes. I drained the tomatoes
Jeniffer Maria
CEO, Canyon Brand
A simple yet creative chicken meal mimics the popular Italian appetizer 'bruschetta' for a delicious entree reminiscent of romantic Italian evenings
David Jack
CEO, Ocean Brand
This is a very flavorful pasta salad. The crisp cooked bacon really adds a nice flavor. I get requests for this pasta salad for every get together and cook out.
David Tommy
CEO, Redchili Restuarant
I have used it often. It's easy and uses pantry staples. Always a hit with adults and kids. Serve with basmati rice or quinoa and steamed or roasted vegetables.
Melina Robert
CEO, River Brand
I left out the stuffing mix completely. I mixed breading and the Italian seasoning and breaded the chicken cubes. Baked that for 30 minutes. I drained the tomatoes